Monday, September 27, 2010

I was punk'd by a deaf man!

Today I woke up at about 6:50am after pressing snooze for 45min.  At 6:54 I got a call from my doorman downstairs saying "Hey Clara, your co-worker Joan is here to pick you up, he's outside waiting." I responded with "Ok great, tell him I'll be down in 5min."  I was like WHAT?! I had completly forgot he would be here at 7am to take me to Hoffman Estates for a walk through of an event we are both working on. I literally got dressed in 4min, brushed my hair, put on minimal make-up and packed a banana for breakfast. When I got to downstairs my co-worker said "Wow you look very nice." I feel like crap since I didn't get to shower. I was going to try and rinse off but figured it wasn't a good idea on time. I just ran out and hoped I didn't smell.

Acoustitone MAX Hearing Aid (Single)Then the real fun part happened. We had to go to meet our event coordinator Joe.  Joe is hearing impaired. I think we spoke for about 20min about Marley Matlin the deaf actress. He's in love with her. Anyway he kept saying "Huh" and "what" so I kept speaking louder to help him out while telling him how I wanted each room to look and what he had to move in or out. Two other people showed up and kept giving me dirty looks because I was shouting.  After being there for 30min I decided I had to say something.

So I said "Look Joe you're going to have to turn up your hearing aid, people think i'm verbally abusing you." Joe turns to me with a sly grin and says "Oh I just like doing that to people who make me work hard, I can actually hear you pretty well and you are the easiest person to lip read." The man is hilarious and I have to give him credit for playing a pretty good joke on me.

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