Monday, July 25, 2011

What's it like to go on a real blind date?

As I walked into Whole Foods to go grocery shop I saw the sign "Wine Class: California Reds" and I remembered my gift card my friend Sara had gotten me.  I decided to delay grocery shopping and jump into the class.  It turned out to be a small group of 5 at a huge table for 10+.  On my right sat two handsome gentleman and across from us was a disgruntled married couple who couldn't seem to agree on anything except coming to the class. 

I'm a bit of a nerd and during these tastings (or any classroom setting) I tend to ask questions.  So much so that we had moved onto the 4th wine and our teacher said "Does anyone have a question on this one?" and the sassy guy to the right of me with mismatched colored clothes said "I bet she has a question!"  I kept my head facing forward, slowly moved my eyeballs to the right and tightened my lips.  What a jerk.  Then I followed it up with an intense eye roll that gave me a headache 5min later.  The guy's friend who was sandwiched to the right of mismatch guy whispered "Way to go man...She hates you for sure."  Guy to my right let out a smirky one note laugh and kept on sipping his wine.  Towards the end of class I was tipsy, sassy, and felt the need to say something about his comment that had been festering inside. 

I turned to him and said in a playful way "So are you a comedian?  Just hate questions?  Or what?"  His response, "Wow that has been bothering you this entire time?"  I couldn't deny it.  I was irritated through the last two bottles of wine we tasted.  I could feel the spotlight on me and I was about to get red.  Before I could comment the couple across from me chimed in.

Wife:  Well.  It was kind of rude and pointed
Husband:  It was not...Babe!  Do not get involved. 
Wife:  It was rude!  If you said that to me I would have left
Husband:  Well I'm going to be the one leaving.  You're meddling and you're being loud.  You have had way too much wine.
Wife:  I AM NOT being loud!  You could have just not said anything.....let me make a wasn't even to you....
Snarky Guy:  Ok was a bit rude.  Let's just call it a day.
Me:  [Whispering to the lady across from me] Thanks
Snarky Guy:  Oh no you didn't!
Me:  Oh come on.  Someone had to defend me I'm the lone ranger here at this table.
Guy to my Right:  True True.  So is Lone Ranger what your parents call you?

We ended up talking well past the length of class and flirted back and forth.  The one thing that bothered me is that he constantly looked at his wine glass.  His friend Len returned with their week of groceries and as we got up to walk out I saw him feeling up the table.  I just chalked it up to being tipsy but his friend said "So he hasn't told you his story?"  Turns out a few years ago he was in an accident and had become blind in both eyes.  I was just a chatty blurb of greyish white to him.  I stood in silence and didn't quite know how to respond.  He shook my hand and said "It was nice to meet you Lone Ranger."    He had the most amazing blueish green eyes with specks of brown.  We stood there shaking hands for a bit longer than is socially acceptable and he said "Wow you're really into me.  I can feel your smile."  I was smiling.  Just as he was about to walk past me I said "So are you coming back next Sunday for New Zealand Whites?"  He responded "No, but I will see you on Thursday if you're free."  

To be Continued... 

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