I met up with my two lovely girlfriends and then also met up with my friend Zack from Summer of 2010. He is a very fun guy. So much fun that the group he showed up with was already really drunk when they showed up to the actual hotel party. So drunk that one girl was face down in her napkin while we were all talking. Quite interesting. Anyway as Zack and I were scanning the crowd we decided that in order to avoid the awkwardness we would just kiss each other on New Years Eve. Done and Done. Amazingly that took alot of pressure off the night I was free to run around and mingle now. When did it become such a big deal to kiss someone at the stroke of Midnight? What's up with that?
As I was running around checking out every possible dance floor and testing out each DJ I lost track of time. At 11:45pm I got a text from Zack saying "Where are you? I'm at the downstairs party left side of the dance floor." I grabbed two glasses of champagne and headed down to the lower party. It took me a while to get there and when I did I saw Zack dancing and what looked like kissing a shorter troll looking girl. I stood there shocked. He saw me as I was stomping off the dance floor upset, and grabbed my wrist and said "Let me just get rid of her. You are my date don't get sassy on me." He turned around to tend to this girl before I could say "No Thanks." Just as I was trying to escape and find my girlfriends I ran into Mystery guy.
Cut to 10pm when the girls and I were heading down an escalator to the party. Mystery guy was going up on the escalator and said "That girl right there in the white." I turned and smiled and he said "That's my dream girl!" I smiled and gave him a thumbs up because I was too embarassed to say anything back. He said "I'm sure I'll see you before the nights out and winked."
Back to 11:58pm when I was storming off the dance floor I tripped and was caught by none other than Mystery guy. He looked at me and said "No way this is happening." I said "Well it looks like your wish just came true." Zack came back over just as the count down was starting....10...9...I looked at both my options...8....7...6....Zack is pulling me...5....4....3...decision made....2....I turn around and plant one on Mystery Guy. Happy New Year!
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