As of late it seems that maybe I used up all my prayers. While I am not one to believe in "luck", I think mine has run out. To me luck is just what people who aren't motivated/determined/dedicated etc. blame situations on when they don't go right. Or as my Dad would say Luck = Preparation + Opportunity. However I'm not sure how that definition can explain the fact that I have now had my iPhone stolen twice and this time my ID, credit cards, purse, and favorite lip gloss accompanied the phone. I have become so addicted to my iPhone that I paid $600 for the one that I currently lost! At the time it seemed like a good idea. Now, not so much. The fact that I was dancing with a police officer at the time my purse was pilfered only adds comedic relief to the situation. Who says God doesn't have a sense of humor?
What God is trying to tell me is a different story entirely. And that I will need to figure out. Although I have a feeling that the message will probably get an expedited delivery since I know I will make #1 Prayer Request in my mom's Bible study again after this posting. Hello Ladies! Not to worry the rest of the trip was amazing and fun doesn't even begin to describe it. I had an action packed weekend with 6 amazing women and Jackson although I think he slept in Sara's belly most of the time.
Until then I will just have to see Him when I'm #upintheair because that is as physically close as I can get until Sunday. I do hope the good luck comes back because [in the very Seattle words of Robynn] "this is killing my spirit."
I can't believe I am reading a blog and second that I am looking for Jesus in your bruise. I am hooked on your life please tell me this doesn't mean I am not going to get the animated in person versions.