While out with friends they gave me a hard time and decided to take bets on if he would call me late. I assured them he was a perfect gentleman and probably just wanted to have guy time. I was wrong. At 12:30am I got a text message from him saying "pooh" I sent him back a question mark because I figured he was saying "Oh pooh i forgot to call you" That was also not the case. Ultimately he started out asking about my night and after I told him what I did he said "Thanks for the invite." I was pretty irked considering he didn't invite me out and that's why I decided to hang out with other friends. (Not that I didn't have an amazing time on my friend Lindsey's rooftop.) So I said "No problem. Thanks for calling me." This started things off on a bit of a sour note and he tried to call and I sent him to voicemail. I decided it was probably best if I didn't talk to him since he was probably drunk and I had 3 glasses of wine. After a few more texts I tried to go to sleep and then he called again. This time I decided to answer and see what exactly he had to say. His friends were screaming in the background and he was pretty much talking to them so I just got silent. Not sure why he called if there was so much insanity going on there. He asked me what I was doing and if I was still awake and I said "Umm yes" got silent again, then he decided to say goodnight.
Right after we hung up I texted "You are ridiculous." To which he responded that he wanted to see me. I told him that there was still some time left to get to a bar and lock it down with a classy gal. Then he said "I want to see Clara" I said "No you don't you are just drunk." Then he told me to come pick him up because his friends were trying to rape him. I told him that he should just close his eyes and let it happen. I was pretty much done with the conversation when he then asked me to go get him. I mean honestly?! Are we 22 and back in college, who booty calls anyone anymore? I had a feeling that we weren't going to have tea and talk about latest episode of The Office. He told me he was going to say something sooner but I was "acting like a beyotch." This fired me up. How dare he tell me I'm the beyotch when he's treating me like some dumb slutty girl. I then texted "I am notorious for picking the wrong guys and you just fell into that category." This did not sit well with him and he let me have it. He told me that I didn't know him at all and I said that it was pretty telling if he didn't have time to call me ALL week but he somehow found time to call me at 12:30 to "hang out." He then told me that the world did NOT in fact revolve around me and that I was basically selfish. I am not the best at showing my emotions so I try to go out of my way to be thoughtful and this really hurt. Especially considering that I made Alex go into Barker in Meowsky to search for a Bow Tie for his dog and I got a $4 dog cookie! Super selfish of me to do that. Addison will be getting the dog cookie and I am going to use that bow tie as a headband since I don't think I can return it.
After he said those things I was shocked and just sat there staring at the messages. Then he told me "Have fun writing about this in your blog!" Followed by "Have a great life Clara." Well that was great advice and I took him up on it. I was so upset that I let this ruin my night I decided to let him know that, after about 30min of just sitting on my couch mentally reviewing what just happened in the last hour I decided to call him. He did not answer. I tried to go to sleep but sat there thinking of how the conversation could have gone better and how I could have explained how I felt better than lashing out and making rude comments. I decided it would make me feel better to email him and explain and say sorry for my nasty comments. This did not make me feel better. I was still SO upset that he thought I would say Yes to him coming over at 1am and that he thought I was self absorbed. After I tossed and turned I got up and walked around. Nothing seemed to make me feel better or sleepy so I started to clean. I wore myself out around 3am and finally fell asleep. The best part is when I told my mom what happened her first response was "Where did you learn how to clean?"

Men, the only guys who call women for booty calls are 18-23yr olds who don't know any better, douche bags, guys who don't want to be considered gentlemen, guys who are lazy, or this dude on the right. He literally knows all about the booty call.
Stick to the Marines babe...I would say I'm proud but I know you and you don't put up with any BS.
ReplyDeleteIs this the same guy who gave you the one night stand contract on your first date the night youw ere mugged?! Seriously?! Seriously?! And what made you think he was going to magically turn into a quality guy?!?!
ReplyDeleteThis is why crazy things happen to you. love you. I'll call you tonight to discuss there has to be a better screening process for you.
I love your stories and I never comment and I had to on this one. Clara you are the sweetest person. Sometimes people think you are "rude" when you are brutaly honest, "pushy" when you are being persistant, and "tough" when you are your most vulnerable. I met you the first year you came to Chicago and you changed my life. I was very resistant to this wild Texan who persistantly knocked on my door and physically pulled me out of my apartment. I am no longer the nerdy guy who blends in with the walls. I am happily married and have an amazing job because you were pushy. And because you would not let me buy my clothes at wal-mart anymore! You say what you feel and sometimes that's unfiltered but no one can ever doubt that you don't mean well.
ReplyDeleteYou once told me "Only losers let comments from people who are only in their life for a minute affect how they feel about themselves for a lifetime." When I think of you I think of the word AMAZING. This boy should be apologizing to you not the other way around. You have a big heart and I know you cared about this person because of the gift. I still have the cuflinks you gave me when you were slowly making me over and you told me I could keep a little piece of nerd with me. I love you very much my friend please keep that heart of yours guarded for the right MAN and not some loser who thinks he's a man. -Pressed On!
Pres - Your comment got me teary at work! Send me your phone # I haven't spoken to you in forever. I promise I won't talk for more than 20min. P.S. You made my day.
ReplyDeleteClara, the lesson that all your true friends want you to absorb and take to heart is that a guy who is worth "it", worth your time, the most precious we thing we have in this life, would not for one second utter those words or make you feel the way he did. Know when and most importantly how to deflect the junk thrown your way. You are way too important to your friends for us to see you wasting your time with this idiot. The moment this occurs, laugh it off. There are plenty of appreciative men out there that will understand just how valuable your time really is...and you'll know when it is being wisely invested.